I got my own domain(s) a few weeks ago and I decided to make use of it/them.

I was considering using my own mini-content system based on some weird combination of email messages (with Java Mail), Git (via JGit), and Apache Wicket but instead I just installed the multi-site extension for the CMS I’m currently using. I actually modeled each entry as a directory containing an email message with attachments for files and potential responses to the post. Any sub-directory to a post would be a sub-page and that would be how it works. That entire tree would be stored in a bare git repository so it could be revised with records of that. The data model is very similar to what exists in Radiant, the one I’m using right now. I semi-abandoned my attempt because I was too lazy to connect a templating engine to it and develop an administrative UI. Otherwise, it seems barely viable.

The move went pretty smoothly but there could be some yet-unnoticed issues. I just edited the templates a bit and updated the database to de-parent the page used for this site and add it to a new site. Then I added a redirect setup for the old address and now everything is pretty close to how I would like it. <del>The markdown filter seems to be slightly broken since I updated the code to the latest version (note the asterisks in the next post that should have been converted to unordered bullet lists).</del>

That is all for now.

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