Earlier, I had to eat something so I went to a semi-local 24-hour doughnut dispensary to buy a single doughnut.

While waiting around for the food to completely fit in my mouth, I – as I often do – spotted a small camouflaged animal moving around in some dirty Panorama City concrete. Since the creature matched with a desaturated yellow oxide/ochre-ish background, I thought it would be a cricket (Arthropod) but it was pretty big for a cricket and walked funny. Part of the reason I thought it was a cricket was that it was mainly propelled by its rear appendages, but not the same as a cricket; small hops with noticeable deceleration upon landing were its style. Additionally, I’m not even sure that it had an exoskeleton. Although I didn’t get a close enough look, it may have had a dry and scaly skin. It was almost like a tiny, dry frog.

It was definitely a strange sight that I don’t know how to resolve. I tried searching for it on the so-called Internet but “bug that looks like frog” doesn’t seem to return any useful information. I guess I should have tried to photograph it.

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