Obviously due to market forces, the popularity of Mexican Coca-Cola has increased in recent years. Lately, though, other market forces seem to have decreased supply. My top two suppliers have gone dry over the past year and it’s a shame. I had to try out that “Natural” Pepsi (the one in the gay bottle) and it was a disappointment. Luckily, I have spotted two loser stores (on oppsite sides of my geographical region) that offer this necessary soft drink. Other differences I noticed were that west-ish valley loser stores offer Tijuana originated product and their eastern counterparts dispense it from Mexicali. Also, I have been surprised to find that the loser stores in “better” neighborhoods (where they still try to catch the rapists) give me a bottle at $1.50 US including tax and redemption which is about 20-40¢ better than the more low-down establishments.

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